Current results

For: 85963 (59.08%)

Against: 23669 (16.26%)

Abstain: 35860 (24.64%)


  • Creator

    icon#RvmZww4k icon

  • Address


  • Start Date

    July 14, 2023, 12:00 AM

  • End Date

    July 15, 2023, 12:00 AM

  • Snapshot

    586,256 icon

#5 Supporting Developer Community: Funding Grants and Hackathons

By: RvmZww4k

Executed,on July 14, 2023

This proposal aims to allocate funds for grants and hackathons to support and incentivize developers within our ecosystem. By investing in the developer community, we can attract talented individuals, encourage innovation, and build a thriving developer ecosystem around our crypto token.0x4EA82C3f321adC2Da81754DB288C6B5FD8a22645

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